Ma&ya's candy-coated clam bites take the Super Bowl commercial crown.
The main goal of any Super Bowl ad is to create buzz, and boy oh boy did this commercial do just that. Maya Rudolph, the news spokesperson of M&M's talks about Ma&ya's candy. The unique flavor of this new candy? Clams.
Why did M&M's go this route? It all started a little over a year ago with Mars Wrigley. The Mars Wrigley company updated the looks of the popular M&M's characters; giving them backstories, more character and changing the appearance of some. Fans of the candy were presented with all female wrapper packages and body-positive M&M's. The overall goal of these changes was to make the candy-coated characters more inclusive.
Conservative Fox News host, Tucker Carlson, initially spoke out against these changes last year; specifically the green M&M changing her "sexy" boots for sneakers. "M&M's will not be satisfied until every last cartoon character is deeply unappealing and totally androgynous," Carlson stated on his nightly show. Many were upset with the changes the company made.
Rudolph's commercial is an answer to the controversy of fans. Some are even suspecting it is a ploy to bring back the spokes-candies.
Whatever it was meant for, it has created a buzz; which is exactly what a Super Bowl Ad was made for.