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Opinion: What Andrew Tate's Sexual Confusion Says About Society

Warning: This article contains some graphic material.

Photo Information: Tate brothers. Andrew (foreground) Tristan (background) Photo Courtesy: Getty Images

If you are on the internet, particularly TikTok, for any amount of time, the odds are that you have probably heard of the man Andrew Tate. In fact, Tate was the most googled man in the world in 2022. An influencer from Chicago, IL., Tate has garnered fans by his over-the-top personality and controversial takes on women and relationships. Deemed the "Top G" by his followers, the TikToker's main demographic are young men.

Due to alleged involvement in sex-trafficking using "lover boy" tactics; Tate is still in a Romanian jail cell. However, a recent past TikTok of his is going viral. In the video Tate asks his mostly male demographic "Would you rather have sex with a transexual who is a legitimate ten, or a woman who is a legitimate one?"

As foul and perverse this question is, the answer the alpha-male influencer gives may shock you. Tate reveals that he would choose the former over the latter. It begs the question, how could one who is so alpha male choose such an answer? Tate's answer, and subsequently all others who agree with him, highlight the sexual perversity and confusion that is plaguing the nation.

Dismantling the the primary and elevating the secondary harms both male and females.

Unfortunately for Tate, he has found himself in a weird dichotomy of thoughts. Either he lusts after women subsequently putting them on a pedestal for any desire to be fulfilled, or he mistreats them in misogynistic fashion. Why is he stuck here? Well, when society removes the main purpose of sex i.e. the procreation of children; we are left with the other less weightier purposes of sex; mainly pleasure at all costs.

When one does not know what sex is for, it leads to the desire of perverse things. The primary purpose of sex is for the procreation of the human race. This can only happen between a male and a female. Since the primary focus of sex has been perverted, the secondary has been elevated: pleasure.

However, dismantling the primary and elevating the secondary harms both male and females. In this world of the endless pursuit of pleasure, both men and women are reduced to nothing more than their physical body parts and sexual orientations. None of which comes remotely close to one's full identity in Christ.

This brings us back to Tate who is a big character found in this weird time in society where societal norms are being dismantled on the daily. On one hand, what's the purpose of having sex with a less attractive woman if sex is merely for pleasure? If there's no stakes of procreation involved, the drive to build a family is no-more, and no God to answer to, why not take the other option that could possibly bring more pleasure?

One of the many issues with our society is overvaluing what should be undervalued and vice-versa. To combat the perversity it is imperative that Christians and others begin to revalue sex the way God designed it to be valued.


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