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Life Church Offers Money-Back Guarantee on Tithes

Would you take this tithing challenge?

Craig Groeschel, pastor of the nation's largest church, Life Church, recently announced a money-back guarantee to his congregation. Individuals are encouraged to try tithing out and if one does not see "God's blessings in [their] life" they can receive a 100% refund.

The "tithing challenge" dates back to 2007 in which Life Church encouraged its members to tithe for three months. The goal was to encourage the congregation to move in faith on God's promises.

"The Bible asks us to give our first and our best back to God, and He will bless the rest. We return to the Lord 10% of what He's given us because it belongs to Him," the church writes. "If you're not tithing already a great way to start is with the three-month tithe challenge. It's based on the promises in Malachi 3:10, and essentially it's a money-back guarantee of sorts."

Concerned about fraudsters and those who simply would take advantage of their system? So was Life Church. In order to ensure that the integrity of the program was not compromised, Life Church implemented guidelines.

Program rules:

  1. Participants must not have tithed in the past six months.

  2. In order to request a refund, participants must do so within 30 day of completing the three-month program.

  3. Must complete the registration form


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